CSRF Token Validation Error in POST Call on Simplifier

  • Jan Eberhart
        Has successfully completed the online course Introduction
        Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
      8 months ago #47134

      Hi everyone,

      I have a small problem with a POST call that I’m trying to make.

      I retrieve my CSRF token from my On-Premise SAP system via a GET call in the header. This works perfectly in Simplifier when I include configuration/http/verbosity/headers = Verbose in the advanced input.

      Next, I manually pass the retrieved token in the header of a POST call in Simplifer, as it is required.

      However, I always receive the following error message for my POST calls:
      “The Http request was not successful due to the client error: [403: Forbidden – The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond to it.] Response: CSRF token validation failed”

      The strange thing is, when I execute the same POST call via Postman, everything works fine.

      I hope someone can help me with this issue!

      Chris Bouveret
          Has successfully completed the online course Introduction
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        7 months ago #47329

        Hi Jan,

        please see this Knowledgebase Article on CSRF Token Usage

        REST: Use a CSRF Token and a Cookie to authorize Requests

        Hope this helps

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