Convert generic HTML to PDF? No template, just upload HTML and convert to PDF?

  • Christoph Pichlmann
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      1 week ago #57809

      Would that be posible?

      We need to convert an XML file to PDF.
      We’re thinking about converting it via SAP XSLT to HTML, and then convert the HTML to PDF with Simplifier – but it seems the PDF plugin cannot do this?

      Vitali Kurdasov
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        1 week ago #58071

        Hi Christoph,

        the PDF Plugin can generate you a pdf in an Business Object from your HTML by using the method generatePdfFromHtml

        an example payload would be:
        “htmlString”: “ title “,

        “config”: “{\”orientation\” : \”Portrait\”,\”page-size\” : \”A4\”,\”margin-top\” : \”1in\”,\”margin-bottom\” : \”1in\”,\”margin-left\” : \”1in\”,\”margin-right\” : \”1in\”,\”footer-center\” : \”[page] / [toPage]\”}”

        you will get back an base64string as result that you then can show in the pdfviewer widget.

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