Change the size of the button of a file uploader

  • Michael Groß
        Has successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)
        Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
      2 years ago #36630

      Hi everyone,

      is it possible to change the size of the button of a file uploader? I want to only use the button with a icon to upload files but the button is a little bit to small, how can I change it?



      Jennifer Häfner
          Has successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)
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          Has successfully completed the online course Advanced (310)
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          Has successfully completed the Advanced Certification
        2 years ago #36691

        Hi Michael,

        To change a widget’s appearance, you can work with CSS classes. In the CSS editor (in the application, click on the tab ‘Other’ to find it), define a new CSS class, for example:

        .largeButton button {
        width: 10rem;

        Then, in the property ‘cssClasses’ of the Uploader, enter your new class ‘largeButton’. If everything works correctly, the appearance changes are already visible in the preview.

        In this case, since the Uploader contains several sub-items, you have to specifically address the button inside the Uploader.

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