
Daniel Bieberstein
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    4 months ago #45147

    Hey Leonid,

    in your case i’d suggest using a combobox widget. The normal “dropdown” would be a select widget but since you already mentioned that the amount of data will sum up, the combobox would be the better solution. The combobox gives the user the possibility to select the entries like in a dropdown menu but also lets the user type in values into the field. The typed in value will then be used to give some suggestions. if there are e.g. 20 entries in the list and 3 of those entries begin with “123” the user can type in “123” and the available items will get filtered to only display those items that include “123”.

    A regular select / dropdown without the possibililty for the user to filter should be user if there are no more than 7 items based on general usability recommendations.

    In the UI designer, add a combobox and add an item to this combobox. Select the item inside the combobox and use the property “datasource” to select the connector you want to use and the collection “GET_VersteigerungsNr_result_Col”. Afterwards you can map the text and key of the item. Last but not least drag the datasource property from the UI designer into the process designer. This will create a connector node with the output mapping already setup. You should be able to connect this to the “onBeforeShow” event of your screen.

    You than can use the change / selectionChange event of this Combobox to trigger further logic.

    Should there still be problems please share some screenshots of the UI designer / datasource mapping and the process designer where the connector is called.

    Best regards and have a nice weekend,

    • This reply was modified 4 months ago by Daniel Bieberstein.