
Vasileios Thanasias
      Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
    1 year ago #38486

    Hi Jennifer, thanks for the suggestion

    Unfortunately, the update operation didn’t work.

    var oUpdatedRole = Simplifier.Role.update(, {name: role.roleName, active: true, description: “updated description”, assignedUsers: []});

    This gives an error: No Permission for read.

    However. if I don’t assign the role to the user, just update it, then it works.

    var oUpdatedRole = Simplifier.Role.update(, {name: role.roleName, active: true, description: “updated description”});

    If I assign to the user the SF_Administrator, then it works. So I’m not sure which permission is missing.

    The user has already SF_AppUser role (can read self) + the custom role below