Hi Dinkel,
I’ll annotated your post in bold letters here.
Add a button (sap.m.Button) and add the following to the press event like you did in a post above.
I guess you mean a additionally button in the same screen as the FileUplaoder? Ok, done that.
var fileUploader = $(‘#Create_Image–ui_unifed_FileUploader-fu’);
if (fileUploader !== null)
Then add to the onAfterRendering of your screen the following code:
You mean to the screen containing the buttons, right? Ok …
$(‘#Create_Image–ui_unifed_FileUploader-fu’).change(function() {
Now hide the button with a CSS rule which says
I’ve guessed you mean I should hide the new button? Ok …
display: none;
Now you can trigger the hidden button with
Done that too …
On this way the file chooser will appear automatically.
But unfortunately nothing happens.
Have I done something wrong?
Best regards