MS Dynamics 365 - Simplifier Makers Club Community

MS Dynamics 365

This connector is proeconfigured for integrating with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 API based on OpenAPI Spec


Preconfigured Connector for Microsoft Dynamics 365 based on OpenAPI Spec

Technical information

Here you will find all the further information, including the general information, requirements, the documentation and links to further information.

General information

Publisher/Author: Simplifier AG
Version: 1.0
Publisher/Author: Simplifier AG
Last update: 12.07.2022
Languages: English, German
Compatible Simplifier Versions: 8.0+
Requirements: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server
App Excerpt This connector is proeconfigured for integrating with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 API based on OpenAPI Spec
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App Excerpt This connector is proeconfigured for integrating with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 API based on OpenAPI Spec
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