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    5 years ago #18395

    First the query that works with fixed value:

    select pur.t_otbp as Lieferant,
    com.t_nama as Name,
    pur.t_orno as Bestellung,
    pur.t_pono as Position,
    pur.t_sqnb as Folgenummer,
    pur.t_item as Artikelnummer,
    ibd.t_dsca as Artikelbeschreibung,
    pur.t_qoor as Bestellmenge,
    pur.t_qidl as ‘eingegangene Menge’,
    pur.t_qibo as Nachlieferungsmenge,
    pur.t_odat as Auftragsdatum,
    pur.t_qiiv as ‘fakturierte Menge’,
    pur.t_iamt as ‘Rechnungsbetrag’,
    bes.t_ccur as Währung
    from ttdpur401101 pur
    inner join ttcibd001101 ibd on
    pur.t_item = ibd.t_item
    inner join ttdpur400101 bes on
    bes.t_orno = pur.t_orno
    inner join ttccom100101 com on
    com.t_bpid = pur.t_otbp
    where pur.t_item <> ‘ LE’
    and pur.t_item <> ‘ HE’
    and pur.t_item <> ‘ LLE’
    and pur.t_orno = ‘100023276’
    order by pur.t_otbp,pur.t_orno


    and then the qoury that does not work, error see above:

    select pur.t_otbp as Lieferant,
    com.t_nama as Name,
    pur.t_orno as Bestellung,
    pur.t_pono as Position,
    pur.t_sqnb as Folgenummer,
    pur.t_item as Artikelnummer,
    ibd.t_dsca as Artikelbeschreibung,
    pur.t_qoor as Bestellmenge,
    pur.t_qidl as ‘eingegangene Menge’,
    pur.t_qibo as Nachlieferungsmenge,
    pur.t_odat as Auftragsdatum,
    pur.t_qiiv as ‘fakturierte Menge’,
    pur.t_iamt as ‘Rechnungsbetrag’,
    bes.t_ccur as Währung
    from ttdpur401101 pur
    inner join ttcibd001101 ibd on
    pur.t_item = ibd.t_item
    inner join ttdpur400101 bes on
    bes.t_orno = pur.t_orno
    inner join ttccom100101 com on
    com.t_bpid = pur.t_otbp
    where pur.t_item <> ‘ LE’
    and pur.t_item <> ‘ HE’
    and pur.t_item <> ‘ LLE’
    and pur.t_orno=:auftrag:String:
    order by pur.t_otbp,pur.t_orno




    input parameter: see file input parameter.

    output parameter: see file output parameter

    query result: see file query result.



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