Hi Klaus,
You can use moment.js in server- or clientside business object to get and format dates. Its very intuitive and gives you lots of options.
To use it in a clientside businessobject, you need to add it as a managed library for the object, and it is always available in a server side business object.
Now to the error you are seeing:
Unfortunately, simplifier data type validation does not support js date objects at the moment and thus they wont be handed over to the connector.
The error you are seeing means that the connector got an empty value for the “ReqDate” parameter.
The recomended way to transmit date values it to transform them to String values.
Debugging options for business objects vary between the 2 types:
Client side business objects:
You can simply use the js debugger; statement to create a breakpoint for your browser.
Server side business objects:
Debugging is a bit more complicated. You can create multiple outputs and and use the testing dialog to check the results step by step.