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    5 years ago #17340

    If you want to use the BAPI-COMMIT after calling a function module before you have to use a batched connector call.


    As I have answered your question in the other post already. Here is the answer.

    You can define multiple function modules  in one call, which will be executed each after another. Just put the number of the call in Bracket [1]/BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT  and [0]/BAPI_INSPOPER_RECORDRESULT (of course for all configuration parameter of the respective call).

    Please note, that you cannot specify any result of the previous executed function modules to the next function module. i.e. you cannot use the result of BAPI_INSPOPER_RECORDRESULT which would be the first function module in the function module  BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT. For this Please use Business Objects.



    If you want to call a function module without any payload you have to provide the function module name and a FAKE VALUE

    Also here is an example (in a picture)

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