Simplifier App Template - Simplifier Makers Club Community

Simplifier App Template

This applicaton is a great starting point to create your own app with out of the box authentication handling and mobile first user experience

Everybody is using AppWizards, but applications still look and behave differently in terms of general layout and authentication? Then think of creating a template everybody can use as basis.

Our app template provides

  • Dynamic auth service detection
  • Login with local Simplifier user
  • Auto login
  • Prevention of double login on mobile devices
  • Letterboxing
  • Generic header

Feel free to get the template and enhance it to your requirements!

As long as the active endpoint is ‘Default’ on your instance, the template can be used out of the box. Nethertheless we suggest to make your own copy to create an own template.

By this your endpoints and enhancements won’t get overriden in case of reimport of the template. See our Knowledge Base article on how to simply create your own app template.

Dynamic auth service detection

The application automatically detects your configured auth services and provides it as login option.

To restrict the displayed auth services you can set the required auth service names in the applications global variable ‘authServices’.

If you restrict the displayed auth services, keep in mind to set the names on qa and productive instances as well, if they differ from your development instance.

Login with local Simplifier user in debug mode

Nearly all of our customers are using auth services to provide central logins for their users. But there are cases especially mostly during testing and debugging on development and qa instances where local login is useful. Therefore we have integrated the local login to be shown in debug mode only.

Debug mode is active when query parameters sap-ui-debug (e.g. on preview from app builder) or sf-ui-debug are set in URL

For local login you can (de-)active ‘Password forgot’ function by setting the global variable ‘useForgotPassword’ to true or false. By default it is deactivated.

Auto login

If there is only one auth service to be displayed and debugging mode is not active, the login is automatically triggered against this auth service

Prevention of double login on mobile devices

When using your application in Simplifier Mobile Client, the user is already authenticated on opening the application and the login screen should be skipped. The template detects mobile app usage and directly navigates to the main screen


Letterboxing helps you to creating simple and focused UIs. The template contains our letterboxing library by default.

For more information on letterboxing see our Knowledge Base article.

Generic Header

Based on our standard widget group “AppHeader” the template provides a single main screen with header that contains

  • Logo
  • App Name
  • Avatar of user
  • Name of user (not shown on small displays like mobiles)
  • Logout Button (not shown in mobile client)

To change the header logo (as well as the login screen logo) just upload a png-image named “logo.png”. See our documentation on who to upload images to your application.

Download Simplifier Mobile Client

Start Simplifier Mobile Client on your Device and scan this QR Code to Login

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