PayPal Template - Simplifier Makers Club Community

PayPal Template

this application is a demo use case for payment via PayPal where the user can select products from a list, and pay using PayPal


PayPal is a company that offers an easy and comfortable online payment system. A lot of online shops already offer their customers to pay their purchased products or services via PayPal, making the payment system more and more popular.

In this application, we have implemented a demo use case for payment via PayPal: the customer can select products from a list, and then proceed to pay for the selected products using their PayPal account information.

So if you are considering to include PayPal in the payment options for your online shop with Simplifier, you can use this application as a guide.

Technical information

Here you will find all the further information, including the general information, requirements, the documentation and links to further information.

General information

Publisher/Author: Simplifier AG
Version: 1.0
Last update: 09.02.2023
Languages: English
Compatible Simplifier Versions: 8.0+
Requirements: PayPal Business Account, Simplifier user with role ‘PayPal_Permissions’


How to make the app functional after downloading and importing it:

  • Adapt the endpoint for the PayPal Connector
    The PayPal Connector currently points at PayPal’s test system ‘Sandbox’. This system is a virtual testing environment that simulates the live PayPal production environment.
    This means that you can simulate transactions and payments, without using real live accounts and money.
    Adapt the PayPal Connector endpoint to the system that you want to use (simulation or live). You can find the respective URLs here:
  • Create a PayPal Business or Sandbox Account
    To include PayPal as a payment option, you need to create a PayPal business account. Or, for testing purposes, you can also create a PayPal Sandbox account, which allows you to test your payment process without using real money:
  • Obtain a Client ID and Secret
    Login to your PayPal account and select the menu item ‘My Apps & Credentials’. Choose if you want to use the Sandbox or the Live system and create a new App.
    Then, you can see the created Client ID and the corresponding Secret (credentials). You need the Client ID and Secret in the next step.
  • Load your Client ID and Secret
    For authentication in the PayPal Connector and for loading the PayPal buttons, you need your Client ID and Secret from your PayPal account.
    The server-side Business Object function ‘PayPal_Module’ – ‘getPayPalVendorCredentials’ loads these Client ID into the App.
    Use the Client ID as username and the Client Secret as Password in the login method of the Connector PayPal
  • Adapt the Products in the Product List
    In the server-side Business Object function ‘PayPal_App’ – ‘getAvailableProducts’, we load some dummy products into the app and bind them to the list.
    You can load your own products here, just make sure that you also adapt the data type ‘PayPal_Item_Struct’ so that it matches your product structure.
  • Assign the Role ‘UserSF_PayPal’
    To be able to execute the PayPal connector and App, your Simplifier user needs the role ‘UserSF_PayPal’ assigned.


Note that if the PayPal Connector points to the Sandbox URL, you as the vendor as well as the customer cannot use your ‘normal’ PayPal accounts. Vendor and customer both need a Sandbox account in this case to test the payment process, since Sandbox and Live system are separate environments.

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