Use of keyboard in forms

  • Martin
        5 years ago #14335

        Hi there,

        i would like to use keyboard in dialogs and/or screens.
        how do i mark the e.g. the save button for <Return> and the cancel for <Escape>?

        best regards & many thanks,

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        Chris Bouveret
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          5 years ago #14346

          Hi there,

          please see this post to get an idea on how to integrate keyboard shortcuts to your App the “UI5 Way”:
          Also there is e.g. KeyboardJS Library that facilitates using keyboard events in general

          Hope that helps


              5 years ago #14353

              hi chris,

              seems a bit tricky to me (for a non javascript pro + simplifier greenhorn) to get it done.
              where should i hook up the init event? and just copy & paste it there?

              but dont worry, its not high prio, only was curious about to have the same look and feel… 🙂

              br martin

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