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2 years ago #34125Hello,
I’m facing an issue on android phone with the SelectDialog Widget. I’m using the seachfield of that widget to search for a specific entry before selecting. But each time I enter a letter the mobile keyboard disappear and reappear immediatly. I don’t have this issue on ios.
Please could anyone help?
Thanks and BR
Armin Winkler
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2 years ago #34153::Hi Elie,
I was able to verify this behaviour on your dev instance for a SelectDialog widget. Could you please create a ticket in our support portal so our Mobile Core department can analyze the issue further? Here’s the direct link to it: https://support.simplifier.io/
Thank you and kind regards,
Armin Winkler
Has successfully completed the online course Introduction
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2 years ago #34440::Hi Elie,
as we found out together, this behaviour is caused by script code that we have added manually to our extension of the OpenUI5’s SelectDialog widget. For now the keyboard can be made visible permanently on Android devices by commenting out a certain line in the script code. We will try our best to fix this bug in our standard widget in the near future and update the downloadable transport file available from our Marketplace.
Thank you for notifying us about this error.
Kind regards,
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