Dialog opens a second time in screen corner

  • Florian Saß
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      1 year ago #37172


      When I click button to evaluate the input fields of a dialog, said dialog opens a second time in the corner of the screen, usually behind some other widgets but in front of the background. The dialog is the same and shares the same input values as the original one.

      All that is happending when clicking the button is a simple if statement. If that fails a toast opens and the dialog should stay the same. Otherwise a business object gets called and if that succeds the dialog should close.

      What can I do to prevent the dialog opening a second time?

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      Alex K
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        1 year ago #37346


        can you provide the parts of the Process that trigger these events? It seems there might be a duplicate call or some other issue. Usually this does not happen.

        If it wouldn’t be a hassle, you could also put this part into a seperate project and share the export with us to work with and work out a solution.

        Florian Saß
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          1 year ago #37438

          Here is the logic for this event.

          I found out that this problem only occurs when the toast opens but I have no idea why.

          The first image shows the logic of whats happening when you press the green button. The second image shows what happends insed the first UI-Action, which opens the toast and triggers the problem.

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          Armin Winkler
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            1 year ago #37443

            Hi Florian,


            please try to place any popup widgets on a separate screen different than the one on top of which you want to open the popups. This concerns both the dialog and the message toast in your case. Usually such rendering issues only occur when the dialog is placed on the same screen as the one that holds the background UI (like the order overview that you seem to have created).


            Does this help you?


            Kind regards,


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