Correct use of MQTT Connector

  • Hien
        4 years ago #20059

        Hi there,

        been testing for some days. I have a question regarding how to setup a MQTT Connector (for now using HiveMQ’s public testing broker).

        For now I configured, the Connector Calls, Subscribe and Publish.

        The input parameters of the calls are JSON objects as defined in here MQTT Connector Details


        The MQTT_ClientInformation DataType is a struct type with the string fields “forceReconnection” and “clientId”.

        However when testing the call it does not work. What am i doing wrong?


        I managed to make a publishing App.

        For subscribing I assume, that i have to use something like this

        <div id=”blinkextension_snap_links_box_mg_mouse_gestures” style=”background-color: rgba(250, 128, 0, 0.07); border: 3px dashed blue; box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; z-index: 2147483647; display: none; left: 729px; top: 709px;”></div>
        <div id=”hit_a_link_blinkextension_container_mg_mouse_gestures” style=”display: none; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 0px; height: 0px; z-index: 2147483647; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0%;”></div>

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