
Armin Winkler
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    6 months ago #52540

    Hi Andreas,


    calling another function of the same client-side business object (CBO) from within the script of a CBO function is perfectly possible using the CBO API which is documented here: If you’ve just used a regular function invocation (i.e. something like ‘myFunction(myArguments)’) in your initial draft, it would only be possible to call local functions that are declared in the scope of the same CBO function script via that approach. However, to access other functions of a particular CBO, you need to invoke the API instead.


    Other than that your mental conception from other programming languages is 100 % valid and can also be applied to CBOs in Simplifier in the same way. I hope this clears up your confusion, please let us now in case there’s still questions left unanswered on your side.


    Kind regards,



    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by Armin Winkler.