Hello Armin,
that is actually the case. The list is in a module and the logic to fill the list is also embedded in this module. I am running the application here.
I managed to find a way to make the list work. This is not the nicest way, but it works:
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel(this.getView().getModel(“variableHolder”).getData().currUserCol);
this.getView().setModel(oModel);var oItemTemplate = new sap.m.StandardListItem({title:”{lastName}”, type:”Navigation”});
this.getView().byId(“ListRegUsers”).bindAggregation(“items”, {
path: “/”,
template: oItemTemplate,
templateShareable: false
I cannot find the templateShareable property in the Simplifier’s Widget configuration. However I am setting this property in my code, as you can see above.
I am open for better ideas for a solution, but for now this is working.
Kind regards,