Office365 Sharepoint - Simplifier Makers Club Community

Office365 Sharepoint

This connector integrates with the Office365 Sharepoint API to create Folders, get Items and upload files to Sharepoint


With the API, your apps can do the following programmatically:

Create a new folder in a Drive with a specified parent item or path. 
Create a new folder in the root Documents folder. 
Return a collection of DriveItems in the children relationship of the root Documents folder. 
Return a collection of DriveItems in the children relationship of a DriveItem. 
List the sites that have been followed by the signed in user. 
Retrieve the metadata for a DriveItem in a Drive by file system path or ID. 
The simple upload API allows you to provide the contents of a new file or update the contents of an existing file in a single API call. This method only supports files up to 4MB in size. 

Check out the Microsoft Graph API documentation.


  1. Admin or Transport Rights in Simplifier
  2. Azure oAuth Login setup as Identity Provider
  3. Login Method of Type oAuth in Simplifier
  4. Access to Azure Portal

Technical information

Here you will find all the further information, including the general information, requirements, the documentation and links to further information.

General information

General App Information

Connectors: REST API via oAuth2
Publisher: Simplifier AG
Requirements: o365 Account, enabled Access to Sharepoint API
Compatible Simplifier Versions: 8.0+

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