Kostenlose Cloud-Testversion - Simplifier Makers Club Community

Kostenlose Cloud-Testversion

Erstellen und Bereitstellen von Anwendungen

1 Month Trial with all features

try Simplifier for a period of 1 Month, extend or upgrade to a paid plan anytime

Unlimited Developer User included

You can test all features of Simplifier with as many Development Users as you want

unlimited Apps

the maximum number of Applications that can be created

Integrieren und automatisieren

unlimited Connectors for Integration

the maximum number of Connectors to existing Systems

unlimited Workflows for Automation

the maximum number of Workflows to automate Processes

Unlimited API Usage

create and use unlimited API Keys for external API access


Advanced Monitoring Capabilities

Usage and Access Statistics, Integration Monitoring

Dediziertes Cloud-Hosting

1 Development Instance (D)

Dedicated Simplifier Development Instance

App Excerpt Für Entdecker
  • Kostenlos für 1 Monat
  • Für Entwicklungszwecke
  • Unbegrenzte Benutzer
  • Unbegrenzte Konnektoren
  • Unbegrenzte Arbeitsabläufe
  • Unbegrenzte API-Schlüssel
  • Kein produktiver Einsatz
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